A properly functioning website can be a game-changer for you. As more and more brands are seeking to stand out, it is incredibly important to focus on your web design too. Websites that take too long to load, stuffed with the content or have an unappealing color scheme can encourage a user to exit it immediately. This practice can impact on your brand or business significantly.
If you have been dealing with similar problems in the past, now is the right time to make a big move. Go through your website and observe it through a visitor’s perspective.
At this point, if you are overwhelmed with the layout, we have got you covered.
Incorporating videos on the website has become a thing of the past. Although it was quite an attraction back in 2017, slow page loading stole its charm. Slow web pages can make you lose potential customers. Thereby, try adding animations or gifs on your website. You should not completely overlook motion graphics as they tell your brand story and what you stand for. Also, gifs and animations don’t take hours to upload and are mobile-friendly too.
Not every user wants to read detailed texts on the website. So, use videos, short clips, animations and photos for storytelling. Your job doesn’t end here. Once you have decided to keep text and media together, you need to balance both. It is better to use real images with higher quality to enhance the content. Be careful as you don’t want to overcrowd your web pages.
Using tools like Picsart’s background remover for images can help provide a cleaner and more striking visual representation while preventing overcrowding.
A survey reveals that people browse different websites from their mobile phones instead of desktops. So, ensure that your website runs smoothly on different handsets. The survey also highlights that if a website doesn’t load in three seconds, users switch to a different website that does. 53% of mobile users abandon a web page and don’t wait for a heavy web page to load. Thereby, fix the issue before it starts to impact the traffic on your website.
Don’t hesitate to play with colors. You can play with vibrant and bold colors to grab attention. Using a bright color palette seems immersive which can do wonders for your brand. In the current scenario, gadget manufacturers are opting for In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology. This feature makes bold colors stand out and lets your product receive the attention it deserves.
Top Mobile App Development Companies always prefer that If you are selling a service, you must add call to action options generously. Call to actions reminds a visitor about the action they are supposed to take on a certain page. For instance, don’t forget to add ‘click here to place order’ at the bottom of the products page. The call of action here will encourage a user to click on the button.
Ensure that you use an appropriate call to actions that help users. If you have a free manual for a product available on the website, you should add ‘download now’ to provide ease to your users.
Services providers can up their game by adding ‘get a quote’ at their service page. Many brands love to provide information about their products. If you have a similar website, you can go for ‘learn more about XYZ’ to give more information about a certain item.
There are several ways to integrate a call to action on the website pages. Ensure that you use a few of them to facilitate your visitors.
Social media is a great and quick way to viral any new service or product. So, try to keep the content on your website shareable. The best practice is to give social media channel icons at the bottom of web pages.
You may feel tempted to add multiple illustrations, quotes, and product details. However, experts recommend keeping a website as simple as possible. Overcrowded websites with plenty of buttons only overwhelm the visitor. Take note that web design shouldn’t be too simple either. Keep the design neat, colorful with visual components to attract the visitors. Make sure it works fine on mobile phones and you are good to go.
If you haven’t experimented with typography, give it a go this year. Previously, designers made the most of traditional san serif fonts to be creative. You can make a difference by opting for custom fonts. Due to the availability of the various tools and devices, it has become easier to make bold statements using custom fonts and stand out in the crowd. Experts suggest if you do the job just right, typography can speak louder than a high-quality image.
Brands seek strategies to appear unique and give competition to rival brands. One way to add exclusivity to your website is hand drawings. In a time where everyone is busy experimenting with different visual components, you can try hand drawings to convey your message. At present, photography and high-resolution imagery have grabbed the most attention. You can go for it too but it doesn’t hurt to bring something unusual while designing your website. Hand drawings look charming and incorporate character. When you display a hand-drawn character, it is likely to grab visitor’s attention too.
Create a brand identity by designing a top-notch brand logo. A logo will make you stand out and help a user identify you as well. Most of the time, users couldn’t find the logo easily and your brand doesn’t get the attention it needs. Moreover, you should know where the logo stands out on the web pages. If it looks brilliant on the left side, put it there. A logo should be clickable and able to direct users back to the home page of your website.
A website determines your worth as a brand or business owner. Thereby, opt for the strategies that benefit you in the longer run.
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