Money Globe - Case Study

Money Globe is a premier payment company located in West Vencouver, British Columbia.


Money Globe needed a modern website with a feel of trustworthiness and luxury. The company does forex trading global payments swift and non-swift for individuals, businesses, and students. Hence, the goal was to build a website to cater to the needs of its target audience. To be successful, the site needed to be user-friendly, easy to navigate for non-technical people and multilingual.


We kept all the key points in mind and built a stellar website for Money Globe with an engaging and captivating interface. We delivered a site that offers an excellent service to people seeking currency exchange and fulfills the transfers needs. It is fully functional with an impressive responsive UX design and facilitates the clients with their domestic and international payment needs.

What we did

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  • We’ll prepare an estimation of the project describing the team compostition, timeline and costs.
  • We'll perform a free website review If you already have an existing website.

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