Optimized Drilling is a training consultancy that operates in the Oil & Gas sector and provides effective drilling solutions.
Tammam of Optimized Drilling wanted to build a website with a signature identity and which is different from other websites in the same industry. He wanted to convey mature and professional values with the help of the website and did not approve of ready-made themes. Our job was to work up a professional and unique layout of the website with full customization of the theme in accordance with the client's vision.
Are the visitors of Optimized Drilling able to easily find all the information they’re seeking?
Does the layout of the website encourage people to stay on the page?
Is it easier for the site owners to manage the backend operations?
We asked these questions to ourselves before presenting the final website to the client. To make sure, everything was in order we check the website for a useful homepage, accessibility and usability requirements, responsive design, streamlined popular pages, and well-organized navigation.