Pizza Logo Design Case Study – Logo Design for Pizzerias

Ever wondered what’s the face of your brand! How people get the first idea of your services or products. It has to be the logo of your company (and a pizza logo if you run a pizza company) that communicates with plausible buyers and link them with your brand. In fact, your logo holds major importance for business communication and effective brand selling. Having said that, let me get straight to the point that the company logo should be given special care. You should always consult a professional design studio to work on your brand identity. So that it serves the purpose of attracting more customers.

Let’s take an in-depth look at design process of the Pedaling Pizza logo.

Mission (im-possible): To design an attractive and appropriate logo for mobile catering company, The Pedaling Pizza

Pizza Logo Design

Pizza Restaurant Logo

What Tools Were Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Steps taken to make a good pizza logo:

In order to make an excellent logo design for Pedaling Pizza, FullStop360 team locked horns with creativity and got down to the project. The client wanted an image of the fire or a wooden oven or something that would closely relate to pizza making e.g. a wooden pizza peel.

After extensive research and brainstorming, designers came up with the initial concepts for a pizza logo.

First Draft

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Shop Logo

These two early design options were conceptualized by putting the brand name in bold on the pizza peel. It not only had the easy to read font but also showed a flame and a circle in shape of a Trike wheel. It was pretty much what the client had asked for. Nonetheless, the work needed to be done to transform this initial draft into something more stylized and cool. In the meanwhile, another design concept surfaced. Let’s take a look at it and see what it had to offer.

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Restaurant Logo

Now, this was another take on Pedaling Pizza logo. The design was made using two wheels carrying a Pizza slice, while the name of the brand appeared in a sort of curvy form. It was a good presentation of a ‘Pizza on the Go’, that was in accordance with the business type i.e. mobile catering.

To give more options to choose from, FullStop® presented another concept of pizza logo to the client.

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logos

This one had the imagery of pizza oven with a flame underneath and brand name inscribed in different font styles. The round shape of pizza oven also made a connection with the trike wheel. The color palette for pizza peel was black.

Client’s feedback

As we shared the initial concepts, the client had his say that paved a way for revision of the designs. The response was great and small tweaks highlighted by the client helped us further improve the design.

The client necessitated more emphasis on his business slogan “Handcrafted artisans Pizza” and wanted it written prominently. Furthermore, he wanted a bicycle or trike in the picture to give a clear impression of his business.

The interactive session with the client lent us a hand to read and understand the client’s mind.

Revision 1

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logo

We re-processed the designs and modified the company slogan with more funky and clear font.

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logo Design

This revision of the initial concept resulted in the trike wheel and a pizza oven in the same place, and a flame in the center. It was a clever way to communicate the right message to the customers. The flame in the center made it more appropriate and the sharp text font was ready to read.

The client settled for the logo design with pizza oven trike wheel. And that’s how the design process of pizza logo entered the final phase.

Revision 2

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Shop Logo

In the second revision, we tried to improve the overall imagery by

  • Giving a fiercer look to the flame under the pizza oven
  • Adjusting the trike wheel according to the round shape of oven
  • Modifying the wheel spikes to improve the style
  • Doing more work on the color of bricks
  • Using a typeface from the Universal Next Family,  “Universal Next Arabic by Nadine Chahine & Adrian Frutiger”.

Final form of the Logo Design

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Restaurant Logo

This was how the creative process of logo design for Pedaling Pizza came to finish.

The final form of Pedaling Pizza logo design is modern and stylish, it offers the firsthand information about the brand. This pizza delivery service claims to be the quickest in town for freshly baked pizza delivered on a Trike and the logo design directly links a viewer to its unique way of services.

Facebook Cover

The social media holds major importance for businesses these days. That’s why we worked on a Facebook cover for Pedaling Pizza and suggested the client to consider it for brand marketing.

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logos

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logo

The client asked to change images of pizza in the Facebook cover. So, the design was revised which looked like this:

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Logo Design

We further modified the design and shifted company slogan “Handcrafted Artisans Pizza” under the brand name.

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Shop Logo

Business Card

Further, in the process, Fullstop360 worked on the business cards for Pedaling Pizza and gave the following options:

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Business Card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Visiting Card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Business Card Pizza


After hearing a word from the client,  we made a few adjustments and shared the following revised options with the client:

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Business Card

Front of the Business Card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Visiting Card

Back of the Business Card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Business Card Pizza

Final selection of the business card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Pizza Business Card

The Pedaling Pizza Co - Business Card Pizza

The handing over of final package

According to the company policy, we handed over the final package to the client with a signed authority letter of ownership transfer.

The final package included files with following formats:

Pizza Logo Formats

That’s how we work with every client to get the right brand identity. Due to budget constraints, the client skipped the recommended stationary, but happily made the maiden investment in logo design.

If you’ve been looking for a quality logo and need to consult a professional. We’re here to offer you excellent design services at very affordable prices. Give your brand a personality that it deserves.

Click, logo design services to order your creative logo today. Or contact us for a free design consultation.

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