Logo designing is important and it’s okay for any designer to face designer’s block. Anyone can run out of logo ideas and that’s when you start looking for inspiration. If you have noticed, then almost all industries are piling
The logo designing industry is flourishing with creativity oozing from it. A good and professional logo designer is well-aware of how to maintain a client’s brand identity and brand personality through a single logo. When it comes to creativity, a designer needs their space and time to make sure that their idea is unique.
Before moving to inspirational logo design ideas, let’s first solve the problem. How to even get away with the designer’s block? No matter how much inspiration you get out of the internet or other platforms, if your mind is not prepared for it, it’s useless.
If you’re looking to address the core problem, then we have a few solutions for you.
When we say take a break, we literally mean it. One might think that the approaching deadlines can’t wait, but that’s we prefer that a person should never start working on the day of the deadline. The pressure and stress to deliver the best work can also lead to exhaustion. If you have the time on your hands, then it’s best to take a break and go for a walk. Maybe talk to a few friends, hangout, play a game, or anything that interests you. It will free a lot of brain space for you that you can use to be creative for logo design ideas.
If you wish to get the best logo design ideas, then you have to be organized. Staying organized can help you get everything on the paper on time without feeling overwhelmed by it. A checklist will keep you on track and you can gauge any procrastination in time. The most wonderful thing about keeping a checklist is that it keeps your mind from getting exhausted and lets you have a clear set of instructions. So, you will be using all your brainpower on the right path. Often many cool logo ideas come from an organized mind, so why don’t you try that?
Stuck on a boring project? Not finding enough ways to get your mind on the right track? Don’t worry, this can happen to anyone.
The worst mistake that anyone could make at this time is to be over-critical with their project. Well, that won’t solve anything for you. All you have to do is solve small problems at one time. Solving all your problems at once might work for you, but you won’t be able to give your best in this situation.
Get cool logo ideas by simplifying the project. Divide the task into small milestones so you can complete it in time.
You can be critical of your work, but being over-critical can cost you your profession. Over-criticism can kill your creativity and can exhaust you before it’s even time. Some projects can take more of your energy, but that does not mean that you cannot complete them in time.
Worrying solves nothing and if you are being over-critical of your work, then you should know that you’re doing it wrong. Your design may not be perfect right now, but it can improve if only you let your critical side stay on the side. Create a sketch and look at it after some time, you will instantly find your mind working better at that time. Don’t lose hope and never be over-critical.
When you let things be, they start to fix naturally. Some of the best logo ideas come from minds that don’t overthink their project. Just like over-criticism, overthinking can kill your creativity.
The best logo design ideas are the ones that flow naturally on the sketchbook, i.e. as soon as you get the idea and you start sketching it. Going with your intuition is the best thing you can do when you are designing a logo. Let things fall into place. You can always review the design, but for starters don’t overthink it.
Sketching is the best answer to your designer’s block. Sometimes you cannot get instant ideas, but after sketching for a while, your brain starts to work differently. You might know a lot of designer friends who don’t need to sketch before creating a world-class logo or a poster. However, that does not mean that it will be true for you as well. Don’t let your sketchbook sit idle and make use of it if you really want to design the best design.
Research is essential if you want your design to stand out in the market. Looking for new and unique art styles can help you draft or sketch the best logo design on the paper. You might think of doing graffiti design for your client, but how will you do it? You will look for relevant ideas on the internet and prepare an incredible design that oozes creativity. By expanding your horizons, you will learn to try out new things in logo designs.
Now, this does not mean that you take help from other designers. All you have to do is discuss the scope of the project and see if they can help you shape your ideas. A fresh perspective on your project can help you see through the tunnel and finally decide on something.
If you want to create the best logo design ideas, then you should always look for a fresh perspective. You might be doing something wrong and the new person can help you see it. Everyone sees the problem differently, so their assistance might help you get out of your misery.
You might have a lot of work on your hands and if you’re stuck on a project, then it does not mean that you will have to stay on it. If one project is boring, the other might interest you. Don’t waste your time on something that you know is not working.
If you are spending too much of your time on one project, then it will rob you of the time that you have to spend on other projects. Divide your time and let your creativity flow. Skip the task that’s draining your energy and work on others to make sure that your creative-self starts functioning again.
Now that you know how to get rid of the core problem, let’s jump to some inspiration for cool logo ideas. We have summed up a list of some world-famous logo designs that are incredibly simple yet appealing and creative. We all see these logo designs here and there at all times, but only a designer has the eyes to see through them. The creative edge of these logo designs will inspire you to start working on your own project. So, let’s get started with some good ideas for brand logos.
The logo of Coca Cola was designed in 1886, but you can see how famous and memorable it is even today. The scriptwriting in the logo design is worth all the attention and there is no surprise why it’s a super-hit.
But, do you know that it wasn’t a designer but a bookkeeper who invented this logo?
Yes, Frank Mason Robinson was the bookkeeper of the company’s owner who designed this logo out of scratch. The big inspiration to take from Coca Cola’s brand logo is that simplicity matters a lot. Even a text logo design can work great if you’re using it the right way. So why complicate things?
The cute bubble writing in the Lego’s brand logo is something that deserves every designer’s attention. How can a simple font add so much personality to a brand? Lego is all about fun, play, and creativity and the logo of the company speaks of it.
From the color choice to the typography, everything is amazing and creative. The bright color scheme sends out the brand’s message to everyone.
Take inspiration from Lego that using the right color scheme and playing with fonts can do a lot of work for you. Being a designer does not mean that you have to add plenty of elements to the design to make it appealing.
A shield and a bow – what a combination!
It was not before 2003 that UPS opted for the ‘shield’ only version of the logo. Paul Rand was behind the shield and bow logo of UPS, which was a simplified version of the company’s old logo design.
The design is simple and sends out the message to the audience. The brand’s identity and personality are quite intact, thanks to the amazing color scheme of the logo. It depicts strength, security, and whatnot.
Starbucks’ amazing logo was designed back in 1971, but it was not before 1987 that the logo was finally kept. There has been a lot of iterations made to the original logo, but the mermaid stayed there. In the recent logo iteration made in 2011, the text is completely deleted and the circular logo graphic has taken the center stage.
The concept of the logo is quite unique with the mermaid catching all the attention. No matter if you’re a regular customer of Starbucks or not, you can instantly recognize the logo anywhere. So, maybe work on making your logo design easily recognizable?
If you want to know that the garment is 100% cotton or not, then this is the logo that you should look for in it. The logo is made while considering the industry standards in mind along with the brand. The logo was designed in 1964 and has still maintained its presence in the market. It was the Woolmark logo design that grabbed a lot of attention in the 20th century and there’s no doubt why. Take inspiration from the logo to speak everything without actually saying anything.
Nike’s swoosh is one of the most famous signs and is easily recognizable as well. The design was created back in 1971 with the single aim in mind – capture the idea of movement. Nike is one of the top brands in the sports industry and there is no doubt that they have lived up to the people’s expectations. They have made running, walking, and jogging pretty simple and stress-free for people, so the idea of movement remains intact with Nike’s incredible logo design.
Nike is an inspiration for every designer who wishes to capture the whole essence of the company through a single design element. Sometimes it does not take words to tell people about your company’s vision and mission, but the visual graphics to deliver the message.
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Looking for some of the best logo design ideas? Well, how can Apple stay behind? Apple is another famous brand whose logo is all about what the company stands for. The apple in the logo stands for the company, while the bite on the side stands for ‘byte’.
One simple illustration to send out the perfect message to the audience. The logo is simple, tech-savvy, and convincing. Apple’s logo has its class in the world, but the company has maintained its profile through an incredible range of products.
So, here’s another logo design that you can take inspiration from.
The golden arches in the McDonald’s logo speak for themselves. The logo design has been used by the company for over 50 years now. The logo is easily recognizable and the distinctive color scheme in the design makes it a true masterpiece. No matter where you’re, you can instantly recognize the brand by only looking at the burger box.
Here the designers can take inspiration in using the right color scheme for their brands. If your brand is from the same industry, then shaping the golden arches might allow you to come out with something better.
Have you ever noticed the arrow in FedEx’s logo design? Well, if you haven’t, then now you will. FedEx’s logo is a great example of how you can do more without doing much. The arrow is hidden in between the ‘Ex’ in the logo design. From the choice of colors to the typography, everything is up to the mark in the logo design.
A designer can take inspiration from using the negative space wisely in the logo design. All the elements can work great if you’re using the white space rightly.
The Ferrari’s logo design was used on the WWI fighter plane. It was on Enzo Ferrari’s mother’s request that the flying horse was used in the logo design.
You can also take inspiration from things around you. Maybe look around or go through some objects to see if you can use them creatively in your logo design.
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Designing a logo can take hours and sometimes it can be done in minutes. If you don’t need sketching and all, then you are a lucky lad. Logo designing can be boring at times, which can cause a serious designer’s block. Coming out of it can be tricky, but that does not mean that it’s not possible.
If you’re wondering how a good logo design can be designed, then all you have to do is come up with some good ideas. The very first idea might not be the best, but it does not mean it cannot be the best after a few iterations.
Take your time to come up with cool logo ideas to make sure that your design stands out among the competition. Take inspiration from the top brands and make sure that you’re following their strategies with modification.
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